"The Future is for Squares!"
Byron Werner script and art
"The Adventures of Fat Freddy's Cat"
Gilbert Shelton script and art
"Battle of the Titans Chapter IV: In Which Our Heroes Enjoy a Stately Repast" Wonder Wart-hog story
Gilbert Shelton, Tony Bell and Joe Brown script and art
"The Taxi Driver"
Marti Riera script and art
Charlie Schlingo script and art
"It Was Dinoboy's Finest Hour"
Paul Mavrides script and art
"My Papa"
Jean-Marc Reiser script and art
"Frank Crankcase's Time Machine"
Frank Stack script and art
"The Idiots Abroad" Freak Brothers color story
Gilbert Shelton and Paul Mavrides script and art
"The Love That Time Forgot!" Dinosaur Trail Romance
Hal Robins script and art
"La chute de Lempire [The Fall of Empire]"
Bernard Willem Holtrop script and art
"Oat Willie and the Turkey Dinner"
Gilbert Shelton script and art
"The Adventures of Herge 50 Years Ago"
Joost Swarte script and art
"Weather Permitting"
Evert Geradts and Jan Smeets script and art
"The Sales Director"
Kamagurka script and art
"Pete Panty and Co."
Ben Jansen script and art
Fools Inna Babylon"
Peter Pontiac script and art
"Sharing the Wealth"
Wim Stevenhagen script and art
Arno script and art
"Jan Sailears "
Evert Geradts script and art
"Titul & Titula"
Harry Buckinx script and art
"Professor Pi"
Bob Van Den Born script and art